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Version: 1.x


It is possible to integrate micro-lc inside the Mia-Platform Console with almost zero configurations.

Integration requirements

Follow the requirements below to integrate this functionality:

Integration steps

Following steps must be made on Console, and will deploy a micro-lc configured instance.

1. Microservice creation for fe-container

Here is the process to create an instance of fe-container.

  1. Go to the Microservices section;
  2. Create a new microservice using the Microlc frontend plugin (available in the Microfrontend section of the marketplace);
  3. Configure the microservice with a custom name and description;
  4. Complete the creation to deploy an instance of the fe-container.

2. Microservice creation for be-config

Here is the process to create an instance of be-config.

  1. Go to the Microservices section;
  2. Create a new microservice using the Microlc backend plugin (available in the Microfrontend section of the marketplace);
  3. Configure the microservice with a custom name and description;
  4. Complete the creation of the be-container instance;
  5. In the ConfigMap section, edit the configuration.json and the authentication.json, according to your needs

At the end of these 2 steps, the situation should be similar to the following:

Microservices configured

3. Endpoint configuration for fe-container

  1. Create a new endpoint;
  2. Define the Base path where you want to expose fe-container (e.g. /microlc);
  3. As type, use Microservice;
  4. Select the microservice name used for fe-container;
  5. Complete the creation.

After that, the situation should be similar to the following:

Endpoint configured

4. Endpoint configuration for be-config

  1. Create a new endpoint;
  2. As Base path, use /api/v1/microlc;

    The endpoints exposed by the be-container microservice must always be reachable at /api/v1/microlc/...: as in the microservice we defined the environment variable SERVICE_PREFIX=/, here /api/v1/microlc is enough.

  3. As type, use Microservice;
  4. Select the microservice name used for be-container;
  5. Complete the creation.

From the outside, the endpoints /api/v1/microlc/configuration and /api/v1/microlc/authentication exposed by this microservice must be always reachable.

So, if you set / as Base path, the SERVICE_PREFIX environment variable must be set to /api/v1/microlc.
While, if you set /api as Base path, the SERVICE_PREFIX environment variable must be set to /v1/microlc;
and so on...

After that, the situation should be similar to the following:

Endpoint configured


At the end of this, you should have a complete instance of micro-lc up and running, exposed at the Base path provided for the fe-container (e.g.

Endpoint configured