Application state
micro-lc API provides a subset of methods and properties to read the current state of the content part of the application, and which sub-application is running in it.
It provides both an imperative and an event-driven interface from which any subscriber can choose whether to read static the state or react to any change.
import type { Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs'
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs'
export interface MicrolcApi {
readonly currentApplication$: Observable<string | undefined>
// of the API
is a RxJS Observable which emits anytime the content
application changes.
If no application is found, it emits undefined
Since micro-lc applications are configured as a key-value pair, where the key is the unique identifier of the application, currentApplication$` return such id as a string.
export interface MicrolcApi {
readonly getCurrentApplication: () => Readonly<Partial<{handlers: Handlers | undefined; id: string}>>
// of the API
type Handlers = {
mount(): Promise<null>
unmount(): Promise<null>
update?(customProps: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<any>
loadPromise: Promise<null>
bootstrapPromise: Promise<null>
mountPromise: Promise<null>
unmountPromise: Promise<null>
provides, statically, the handlers and the unique identifier of the application that is currently
running as content.
It can be helpful to update or unmount manually the application.
export interface MicrolcApi {
readonly getCurrentConfig: () => Readonly<CompleteConfig>
// of the API
provides, statically, micro-lc complete configuration, where "complete" means the user
defined configuration merged with default on key not specified while configuring.
This method is still work in progress. Usage will trigger complete refresh of the application coursing a loss of the layout.
export interface MicrolcApi {
readonly setCurrentConfig: (newConfig: CompleteConfig) => void
// of the API
provides a handler to replace micro-lc configuration at runtime.
No configuration diffing is scheduled, hence the full configuration is replace and micro-lc bootstraps from scratch.