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Version: 2.x


A composable application is a pseudo-HTML document enhanced with JavaScript properties dynamically injected by the composer application.

The resulting DOM tree is constructed on the basis of a specific configuration, which can be directly provided, or sourced from an external JSON or YAML file.


Declare an application with integration mode compose in micro-lc configuration:

interface ComposableApplication {
integrationMode: "compose"
config: PluginConfiguration | string // See explanation below
route: string // Path on which the composable application will be rendered

The application configuration has to be supplied with the config key, which may be either a full configuration object or a URL string from which a configuration with the same structure can be downloaded.

Plugin configuration

The configuration of a composable application is the blueprint used by micro-lc composer (being it the default one or a custom implementation) to dynamically construct the page at runtime.

interface PluginConfiguration {
$schema: string
| string
| string[]
| {
uris: string | string[]
importmap?: ImportMap
content: Content

Key $schema can be used to reference micro-lc plugin configuration JSON schema to greatly ease the writing process by constantly validating the JSON or YAML content against it.

The actual page structure is provided in content key, and building blocks are HTML5 elements or custom web components. In the letter case, sources have to be provided for custom components, and one can do so with the sources key.

By polymorphism, sources can be a string or an array of strings if just JavaScript asset entries have to be provided. If an importmap is needed, sources can become an object housing JavaScript asset entry URIs (key uris) and importmap definition (key importmap).


# Single JavaScript asset entry URI
sources: https://my-static-server/my-web-component.js
content: ...

# Multiple JavaScript asset entry URIs
- https://my-static-server/my-web-component-1.js
- https://my-static-server/my-web-component-2.js
content: ...

# Importmap
uris: https://my-static-server/my-web-component.js
imports: ...
scopes: ...
content: ...

Content definition

A composable application content is a representation of a pseudo-DOM tree written in a markup language (namely JSON or YAML) that undergoes a series of processes to be transformed into a valid, appendable DOM.

type Content = string | number | Component | (Component | number | string)[]

A valid content can assume different shapes, as long as it is a valid HTML element or a convertible representation of one. It may be:

  • a primitive (string or number)
    content: "A string is a valid HTML element!"
  • a stringified DOM tree#stringified-dom-tree, particularly powerful when used in YAML files, since it can benefit from YAML block scalars to greatly enhance readability
    content: |
    <div .classname=${"my-class"} .microlcApi=${microlcApi}>
    <p style="color: red;">
    This is written as a single string
  • a single component representation
    tag: div
    style: "color: red;"
    classname: my-class
    content: This structure is transformed into a valid HTML element
  • a list of the above
    - "String element"
    - 12
    - tag: div

Component representation

A component corresponds to an HTML node, being it an HTML5 element or a custom web component. Practically speaking, a component is an object with the following structure:

interface Component {
/** HTML node tag name */
tag: string

/** HTML5 attribute applied using setAttribute API */
attributes?: Record<string, string>

/** HTML5 boolean attribute applied using setAttribute API */
booleanAttributes?: string | string[]

/** DOM element property applied as object property after creating an element */
properties?: Record<string, unknown>

/** Node children */
content?: Content

The type is recursive as content is a content definition which may itself take the form of a Component.

tag: button
style: "color: red;"
booleanAttributes: disabled
content: Click me!

# Output: <button disabled style="color: red;">Click me!</button>


tag: my-component
class: my-class
my-numeric-attribute: 2
myCustomProperty: some-value
tag: span
content: Hello World!

# Output: 👇
# <my-component class="my-class" my-numeric-attribute="2">
# <span>Hello World!</span>
# </my-component>
# document.querySelector("my-component").myCustomProperty 👉 "some-value"

Properties injection

When composing a content, the constructed nodes can receive two types of properties:

  • user-supplied properties explicitly declared in configuration, and
  • a set of special properties interpolated and injected directly by micro-lc composer.

User-supplied properties

User-supplied properties can be declared using the properties property of component interface, or through a special dotted notation (.property_name=${property_value}) if relying on the stringified DOM tree representation. Either case, any valid JSON value is acceptable as property and injected into components context as is.

tag: my-component
stringProp: foo
numberProp: 3
- foo
- bar
foo: bar

# myComponent.stringProp 👉 Output: "foo"
# myComponent.numberProp 👉 Output: 3
# myComponent.arrayProp 👉 Output: ["foo", "bar"]
# myComponent.objectProp 👉 Output: {foo: "bar"}

Interpolated properties

micro-lc injects a series of special properties into each DOM node it creates. These properties are automatically interpolated, and therefore they need to be marked by reserved keywords for micro-lc to recognize them and assign them the correct value (always in a secure manner without eval or similar structures).

When using object component representation, interpolated properties do not need to be explicitly declared. However, if they are, the key used must match the reserved one, and the value must be equal to the key. On the other hand, when using stringified DOM tree representation, properties you want to be injected need to be explicitly declared with the correct key and value.

For example, let's consider the special property microlcApi and different scenarios.

tag: my-component

# myComponent.microlcApi is defined and correctly set


tag: my-component
stringProp: foo

# myComponent.microlcApi is defined and correctly set


tag: my-component
microlcApi: microlcApi

# myComponent.microlcApi is defined and correctly set


tag: my-component
microlcApi: foo

# myComponent.microlcApi is undefined

The special properties injected by micro-lc are the following.


  • Type: Object

Common API offered by micro-lc as mean of communication.


  • Type: Object

Common API offered by micro-lc composer to achieve composition.



Composed layouts and mount points do not have access to this property.

  • Type
    interface EventBus<T = unknown> extends rxjs.ReplaySubject<T> {
    [index: number]: rxjs.ReplaySubject<T>
    pool: Record<string, rxjs.ReplaySubject<T>>

RxJS ReplaySubject useful to establish a reactive communication between components of the same application.

The property gives component the ability to spawn multiple ReplaySubjects, allowing multichannel communication. eventBus itself is a ReplaySubject, but calling eventBus[0] or will create two other – completely different – ReplaySubject entities.

tag: my-component

# myComponent.eventBus !== myComponent.eventBus[0] !==


Deprecation notice

This property will be removed in future versions. Use micro-lc API subscribe method instead.

  • Type: rxjs.Observable

RxJS Observable taken from micro-lc API Pub/Sub channel containing information on the current application user.

Shared properties

Content of properties key of configuration key shared. properties key is spread and each of its property is injected independently.


foo: bar

tag: my-component
id: my-div

# 👉 Output: "bar"