🖼 mlc-antd-theme-manager
Logical web component that can be included in applications layout to inject an Ant Design compatible theme.
It only works on components using Ant Design Dynamic Theme.
How it works​
The web component calculates the CSS variables needed by Ant Design Dynamic Theme from a set of base colors (namely, primary, info, success, processing, error, and warning colors). These variables are then injected globally through micro-lc API setStyle method.
Variables can be scoped using one or more prefixes. For example, the following configuration
tag: mlc-antd-theme-manager
- prefix-1
- prefix-2
primaryColor: "#25B864"
inject in the Document the following set of variables
:host {
--prefix-1-primary-1: #e9f7ec;
--prefix-1-primary-2: #c5ebd0;
/* ... */
--prefix-2-primary-1: #e9f7ec;
--prefix-2-primary-2: #c5ebd0;
/* ... */
This component is intended to be used inside micro-lc, since it makes use of micro-lc API.
You can use it standalone, but you will have to manually provide a matching API with the property microlcApi
The component can be sourced from jsDelivr CDN.
To use the component in micro-lc, declare it as part of the application layout with its properties and attributes.
sources: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@micro-lc/layout@0.1.4/dist/mlc-antd-theme-manager.js
- tag: mlc-antd-theme-manager
varsPrefix: my-prefix
primaryColor: '#25B864'
Multiple prefixes​
Source code
Properties & attributes​
All color properties can be Hex, 8-digit Hex, RGB, RGBA HSL, HSLA, HSV, HSVA, or CSS color name string.
Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
varsPrefix | - | string | string[] | micro-lc | Prefix to apply to the generated set of variables. If more thant one is specified, a set for each prefix will be generated. |
primaryColor | primary-color | string | #1890FF | Ant Design primary color. |
infoColor | info-color | string | #1890FF | Ant Design info color. |
successColor | success-color | string | #52C41A | Ant Design success color. |
processingColor | processing-color | string | #1890FF | Ant Design processing color. |
errorColor | error-color | string | #FF4D4F | Ant Design error color. |
warningColor | warning-color | string | #FAAD14 | Ant Design warning color. |
fontFamily | font-family | string | -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, 'Noto Sans', sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji' | Font family CSS property. |
CSS custom properties​
The component sets the following CSS variables:
Name |
--micro-lc-primary-1 |
--micro-lc-primary-2 |
--micro-lc-primary-3 |
--micro-lc-primary-4 |
--micro-lc-primary-5 |
--micro-lc-primary-6 |
--micro-lc-primary-7 |
--micro-lc-primary-8 |
--micro-lc-primary-9 |
--micro-lc-primary-10 |
--micro-lc-primary-color |
--micro-lc-primary-color-active |
--micro-lc-primary-color-active-deprecated-d-02 |
--micro-lc-primary-color-active-deprecated-f-30 |
--micro-lc-primary-color-deprecated-bg |
--micro-lc-primary-color-deprecated-border |
--micro-lc-primary-color-deprecated-f-12 |
--micro-lc-primary-color-deprecated-l-20 |
--micro-lc-primary-color-deprecated-l-35 |
--micro-lc-primary-color-deprecated-t-20 |
--micro-lc-primary-color-deprecated-t-50 |
--micro-lc-primary-color-disabled |
--micro-lc-primary-color-hover |
--micro-lc-primary-color-outline |
--micro-lc-success-color |
--micro-lc-success-color-active |
--micro-lc-success-color-deprecated-bg |
--micro-lc-success-color-deprecated-border |
--micro-lc-success-color-disabled |
--micro-lc-success-color-hover |
--micro-lc-success-color-outline |
--micro-lc-info-color |
--micro-lc-info-color-active |
--micro-lc-info-color-deprecated-bg |
--micro-lc-info-color-deprecated-border |
--micro-lc-info-color-disabled |
--micro-lc-info-color-hover |
--micro-lc-info-color-outline |
--micro-lc-warning-color |
--micro-lc-warning-color-active |
--micro-lc-warning-color-deprecated-bg |
--micro-lc-warning-color-deprecated-border |
--micro-lc-warning-color-disabled |
--micro-lc-warning-color-hover |
--micro-lc-warning-color-outline |
--micro-lc-error-color |
--micro-lc-error-color-active |
--micro-lc-error-color-deprecated-bg |
--micro-lc-error-color-deprecated-border |
--micro-lc-error-color-disabled |
--micro-lc-error-color-hover |
--micro-lc-error-color-outline |
--micro-lc-font-family |