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Version: 2.x

🖼 mlc-layout

Web component providing a classic navigation top bar/sidebar layout for micro-lc applications.



This component is intended to be used inside micro-lc, since it makes use of micro-lc API.

You can use it standalone, but you will have to manually provide a matching API with the property microlcApi.

The component can be sourced from jsDelivr CDN.

To use the component in micro-lc, declare it as part of the application layout with its properties and attributes. An unnamed <slot> is already set in the component so that content will be automatically mounted in the right position.

tag: mlc-layout
properties: # See properties & attributes table below
attributes: # See properties & attributes table below
booleanAttributes: # See properties & attributes table below
content: # See slots table below

Minified version​

The component is also shipped in a minified version, that does not bundle peer dependencies. Using this version will save bundle size, but requires import maps for the needed dependencies, which are:

  • react compatible with version 18.2.0
  • react-dom compatible with version 18.2.0
tag: mlc-layout
# ...


Top bar menu​

Overlay sidebar​

Fixed sidebar​

User menu​

Help menu​

Top bar slot​

Properties & attributes​

modemodefixedSideBar | overlaySideBar | topBaroverlaySideBarHow the layout will be structured
menuItems-MenuItem[]RequiredMenu configuration
logo-LogoCustomization of the logo object
helpMenu-HelpMenu-Configuration of the help menu
userMenu-UserMenu-Configuration of the user menu
head-Head-Configuration for the HTML document head
type MenuItem = HrefMenuItem | ApplicationMenuItem | CategoryMenuItem | GroupMenuItem


Link to specific url.

hrefstringRequiredLink's destination
iconIconAnt Design LinkOutlinedIcon icon of the menu item
idstringRequiredUnique identifier of the menu item
labelstring | LocalizedTextValue of id propMenu label
target_blank | _self | _parent | _top_selfHTML anchor target attribute
typehrefRequiredType of the item: hyperlink to another page


This type of menu items triggers the navigation to a specific micro-lc application, identified by the id prop.

iconIconAnt Design DeploymentUnitOutlinedIcon icon of the menu item
idstringRequiredUnique identifier of the menu item. It must match the id of the micro-lc application the menu item should navigate to
selectedAlsoOnstring[]Optional subapplication idsApplications that also select this item
labelstring | LocalizedTextValue of id propMenu label
typeapplicationRequiredType of the item: micro-lc application


This type of menu items is a container of other items. You can stack virtually any number of categories.

childrenMenuItem[]Content of the category
iconIconAnt Design ContainerOutlinedIcon icon of the menu item
idstringRequiredUnique identifier of the menu item.
labelstring | LocalizedTextValue of id propMenu label
typecategoryRequiredType of the item: container of items



Groups cannot be used at first level when mode is topBar.

This type of menu items is a grouping of other items.

childrenMenuItem[]Content of the group
idstringRequiredUnique identifier of the menu item.
labelstring | LocalizedTextValue of id propMenu label
typegroupRequiredType of the item: group of items


Definition of a dynamically loaded icon.

library@ant-design/icons-svg | @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons | @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons | @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons | phosphor/bold | phosphor/duotone | phosphor/fill | phosphor/light | phosphor/regular | phosphor/thinRequiredLibrary from witch the icon is pulled
selectorstringRequiredName of the icon according to the chosen library

there is also a list of available icons, divided by library.


Definition of a translatable text through a map linking rfc5646 language codes to localized strings.

type LocalizedText = Record<string, string>

The logo will be rendered in the left corner of the top bar, regardless of the mode.

You can specify where to navigate when the logo is clicked. If it is an external link, it will open in a new tab. If no value is provided, the logo will not be clickable.

altTextstringLogoAlternative text to display if the logo is not found
onClickHrefstring-Link to navigate to when the logo is clicked
urlstringRequiredURL to the logo image


The help menu will be rendered in the right portion of the top bar, regardless of the mode.

You can specify where to navigate when the button is clicked. The link will always be opened in a new tab.

helpHrefstringRequiredLink to navigate to when the help button is clicked


The user menu will be rendered in the right corner of the top bar, displaying name and avatar of the user. If logout property is provided, a menu from which the user can log out will also be rendered.

User data are retrieved with a GET call to userInfoUrl. Among these information, the menu utilizes name (required, otherwise the menu will not be rendered) and avatar. If userInfoUrl returns those properties with different name, userPropertiesMapping can be used to adapt the keys of the response to the ones used by the menu.

For example, the following response

"fullName": "John Doe",
"image": ""

has to be accompanied by the following userPropertiesMapping property

"fullName": "name",
"image": "avatar"
logoutUserMenuLogout-Configuration needed to perform user logout
userInfoUrlstringRequiredURL called in GET to retrieve user data
userPropertiesMappingUserPropertiesMapping-Mapping between the properties returned from the user info URL call and the ones expected by the component


Configurations regarding how the user should be logged out.

If the url property is specified, a call with method to url will be performed. If the call is successful, a redirection will be performed to redirectUrl (if present). The properties are independent: if url is not given, but redirectUrl is, the redirection will still be performed.


We advise to use POST as method, since using GET will make browsers pre-fetch pages they should not.

methodGET | POSTPOSTMethod used to perform the call to the URL specified in the url property
redirectUrlstring-URL to be redirected to after the logout
urlstring-URL called to log out the user


type UserPropertiesMapping = Record<string, 'name' | 'avatar' | string>

Information used by micro-lc to manipulate the head of the document.

favIconUrlstring-Url of the fav icon
titlestring-Title of the tab


top-barContent is placed on the right side of the top bar

CSS custom properties​

This component is based on Ant Design and makes use of its dynamic theme functionality to expose a set of CSS variables for style customization.

Follows the list of CSS variables used by Ant Design dynamic theme. The exact usage of each variable is hidden in Ant Design components implementations and some of them may not be used by mlc-layout.


We recommend using mlc-antd-theme-manager component to customize the layout theme in an easier and more organic way.


micro-lc API​

Reactive state object​

The component inserts the following values in the reactive state of micro-lc API.

userRecord<string, unknown>User data retrieved with call to userInfoUrl.